Pumpkin Spice Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Pumpkin Spice Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Gettysburg Olive Oil Co.
    • 4 medium sweet potatoes, cut lengthwise into wedges
    • 1/3 C of Pumpkin Spice Dark Balsamic Vinegar
    • 3 Tblsp Butter EVOO
    • Sea salt to taste
    • 1 tsp cinnamon
      • Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Mix together the pumpkin spice balsamic vinegar, butter olive oil and cinnamon and toss with potato wedges. Arrange on baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Sprinkle with sea salt and roast for 45 minutes or until tender and balsamic has caramelized.